Viktória Maróti


Viktória Maróti | *1990 | Szeged, Ungarn | Intonation 2022

The main focus of my works is the connection of textile and ceramics, which creates sensual illusions. My creator`s attitude is specific about experimental activities, thus the result most of the time comes into being in an unexpected way. My works are questioning and pushing the boundaries of the character of the materials. The project is interdisciplinary, which means it reaches both the field of textile and ceramics art. The objects created by the symbiosis of the materials.
Is porcelain capable of a transformation, which could imitate another medium? My works has been made through and experimental rethought of weaving technique. This technique allows to create structures, which are in opposite with the character of porcelain. In my working progress the randomness and purposefulness are in the present simultaneously. After learning every firing from the result, it helps me to try to consider porcelain as a creator partner. Using several mediums at the same time gives hybrid objects as a result, which visually trick people?s sense. The viewer discovers a material that does not seem what he/she expected. My aim is to work without the stereotype of materials and to open new dimensions in the contemporary ceramics scene.